HMSY HMS Holdings Corp gains 17% Jun 22, 2018
HMS Holdings Corp., through its subsidiaries, operates in the healthcare insurance benefit cost containment market in the United States. It provides coordination of benefits services to government and private healthcare payers and sponsors to coordinate benefits for claims; payment integrity services that ensure healthcare claims billed are accurate and appropriate; and eligibility verification services, which ensure that individuals meet qualifying criteria for enrollment in a healthcare program. The company's services also enable customers to recover improper payments; prevent future improper payments; reduce fraud, waste, and abuse; and ensure regulatory compliance. It serves state Medicaid agencies, government health agencies, and health plans, including Medicaid managed care, Medicare Advantage, and group and individual health lines of business; government and private employers; and other healthcare payers and sponsors, including child support agencies. HMS Holdings Corp. was founded in 1974 and is headquartered in Irving, Texas.